I’m Back (Sort of) – What I’ve Been up to

I committed to being back by the end of July and I’m squeaking in just on the last day! First, I want to thank you all for the birthday wishes! كان لي عيد ميلاد كبير! My SO and I baked a cake… a Betty Crocker boxed cake in the Cherry Chip flavour. It’s a nostalgic flavour for me as I remember having it at birthday parties when I was little! I don’t have great photos of the masterpiece but here’s what a slice looked like:

It turned out really well for our first ever baking attempt! (It’s not fancy like the ones I see online but it’s the taste that counts, right?) aside from my birthday, during my time away from blogging, I’ve been doing some fun stuff…

While last year we checked out Japan and did a Mediterranean cruise, this year we made a decision to focus on Canadian destinations, especially places within our province.  Here are a few places we’ve checked out recently:


This city is known for its Shakespeare festivals and live theatre – it’s about 2 hours west of Toronto. We went so we could visit a small down for Canada Day instead of hanging out in the city. What was so neat was that everyone was all decked out in red and white for Canada’s 150th birthday. We returned home later that evening and hardly any individual had on red and white in downtown Toronto.  This was my attire:


Kingston City Hall
For my birthday, my SO and I spent a long weekend up at Kingston, one of Canada’s oldest cities (it was Canada’s first capital city).  It’s about a 3 hour drive east of Toronto, about midway between Toronto and Montreal.  We stayed at a Victorian style B&B:

And checked out the top touristy attractions in town, the first being the Kingston Penitentiary:

This was a running maximum safety prison up until 2013, housing some of Canada’s a lot of infamous criminals.  It was the first prison in Canada and one of the longest running prisons in the world before it closed.

She was the warden for a few years toward the end.
The special architecture inside the work Building.
The Dome, where the guards have a 360 view of each cell.
The next morning we checked out Fort Henry, which was built by the British during the war of 1812 to fend off potential attack from America (the us border is very close and visible from the Fort).

The fort was never attacked and now serves as a heritage site and museum.

We identified 2 goats but it was never explained what they were doing there.  I think they’re mascots?

Lastly, we went on a river cruise to visit the Thousand Islands on the Saint Lawrence River, which is popular for its lots of little islands with multi-million dollar houses built on them!

The weekend was terrific – another significant thing about Kingston is their culinary scene – we had some of the best meals ever (shout-out to Grecos, Amadeus cafe and Dianne’s Fish Shack).  There are lots of surrounding areas around Kingston that we’d like to visit including Wolfe Island and prince Edward County.

Queen + Adam Lambert concert

My sister got me tickets to the Queen concert for my birthday! At first I didn’t know what to expect because of Adam Lambert as the lead but the concert [turned out to be] awesome!

It was also Brian May’s birthday that night so we sang delighted birthday to him!

I posted quite a few videos of the concert on IG stories the day after the concert. thank you to my sister for this extraordinary birthday present!

Niagara-on-the-Lake and Niagara Falls

Niagara-on-the-Lake is a quaint little town and very popular as a retirement community.
And just this past weekend, I spent a day touring Niagara region with my sister. She had won tickets for a guided day trip. I’ve been to Niagara Falls lots of times (it’s only about an hour and a half south of Toronto – I’ve had a co-worker that commuted daily from Niagara Falls to Toronto) but it never gets boring.  I know for lots of people, Niagara Falls is the quintessential “Canadian” thing to do.  First, we stopped in for some ice white wine tasting:

Ice white wine is very sweet and considered a dessert wine.
Niagara Falls is actually made up of 3 separate waterfalls, 2 of them are on the American side, shown here (American Falls on the left and small little sliver of a waterfall on the ideal is the Bridal Veil Falls).
And additionally to the ideal side is the Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side – it is the prettiest of the 3 in my biased opinion!
We went into the heart of the falls on the Hornblower boat – it takes passengers up close into the Horseshoe Falls where the mist from the waterfall drenches everyone (that’s why we are given plastic ponchos).
Ground view of the Horseshoe Falls with a rainbow formed in the mist.
I went on my first ever helicopter ride!
It was scary on the helicopter at first – it felt so jarring to ascend so swiftly into the sky. but once we were up there, the ride was smooth and comfortable.

View of Niagara Falls from the sky!  See how awesome the HorSeshoe Falls هو؟

قوس قزح مزدوج!!
كان يوما رائعا مع أختي! بلدي لذلك وأخطط للعودة إلى نياجرا على البحيرة في نهاية الأسبوع المقبل لزيارة فورت جورج هناك وإنفاق المزيد من الوقت في المدينة.

أخيرا، أعظم الأخبار هي أنني حصلت على وظيفة جديدة! إنه في قسم مختلف داخل نفس المنظمة ولكني أغير المكاتب ومع فريق جديد. أنا لا نقل رسميا لبضعة أسابيع أخرى – لكنني سأكون مشغولا بانتهاء من مشاريعي الحالية وانتقال عملي (وتعبئة الأشياء الخاصة بي – لا أستطيع أن أصدق مقدار حماقة أعززتها). لذلك لشهر أغسطس، سأكون على جدول التدوين المصنف – أخطط للمدونة مرة واحدة في الأسبوع. لدي المقالات التالية المخطط لها:
• يونيو & يوليو القمامة
• عيد ميلاد المسافات والهدايا
• يونيو & يوليو لا تشتري المساءلة
• مفضلات منتصف العام

ابقوا متابعين! كيف كان يوليو الخاص بك؟ ما كنت قد تصل إلى؟

شارك هذا:

انقر لإرسال هذا بالبريد الإلكتروني إلى صديق (يفتح في نافذة جديدة)
انقر للمشاركة على Pinterest (يفتح في نافذة جديدة)

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انقر للمشاركة على Reddit (يفتح في نافذة جديدة)

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